Parson’s Green

6 March, 2022

The new publication by Sue and Lance Pierson on the ‘irregular triangle’ in Fulham has just been published, and is available for £6.00 plus postage and packing. CheckPublications page for full details

Why not puchase the new edition of Hammersmith Bridge £10.00at the same time and save on postage and packaging

Celebrating Fulham Week

16 June, 2014

This link shows the whole programme but lets point out a few events of interest to FHHS members and followers.

Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits  

Tuesday 1st July, 7.30pm  All Saints Church Fulham

2014 is William Shakespeare’s 450th birthday. Come and celebrate the highlights of his work in words and music performed by the trio ‘In Voice and Verse’.

Tickets £10. Buy on the door. Call 020 7731 6544 for more information.

The History of Peterborough House

Wednesday 2 July 7.45 pm  Christ Church Hall, Studdridge Street, SW6 3DT

The current Peterborough Estate covers the former site of Peterborough House and its grounds, which was demolished in 1902. The house, with a history dating back to medieval times, was rebuilt in 1798 and takes its name from the Earls of Peterborough who owned the land.

No need to book , free.

Fair on the Green

Saturday 5 July 12.00noon – 5.00pm  Parsons Green

Fulham and Hammersmith Historical Society will have a stand at this family event. Do encourage friends and newcomers to the area to visit us.

Reminder – Dates for the Diary and Change of Date

26 May, 2014

Wednesday 28 May 1830 meet outside All Saints Church Fulham for a walk around the churchyard to discover interesting former residents.

Monday 16 June 1145 Visit to Benjamin Franklin’s House, 36 Craven St, WC2N. Followed by PM visit to National Portrait Gallery to see Zoffany portrait of Sharp family.

Wednesday 2 July 1945 Christchurch Hall in Sturridge Street Fulham for a talk on Peterborough House. (This is a change to the date published in the Newsletter)

Saturday 12 July 1200 Meet at Barbican Tube for a guided walk round Smithfield, followed at 1415 meet at Charterhouse for a tour led by one of the brothers.


23 November, 2013

Peterborough House –

Peterborough House

Peterborough House

‘A mansion in every way calculated for a family of distinction’
So runs the advert when it was sold in 1845 but by 1902 it had gone, buried under the prestigious Peterborough Estate with its ‘Lion’ houses. Sue Pierson has charted its history from medieval times discovering its owners and tenants some of whom were not entirely respectable! Several were buried or have memorials in All Saints’ church, in particular, John, first Viscount Mordaunt, whose larger than life statue looks down on us today. He was the father of Charles, third Earl of Peterborough, who was probably the first Lord to marry a showgirl. The house was in its heyday when he lived there but later residents included John Meyrick who founded the Fulham Volunteers and William Beckford, novelist and builder of very tall towers.
The book is guaranteed to keep you reading to the end and you will learn a lot about Fulham. A must have for those who live on the Peterborough Estate. It costs £6 from Sue who is happy to deliver locally. Contact her on 020 7731 6544 or email: for full details. Alternatively £7.50 including postage see Publications Page.